Revisions Adopted by President’s Cabinet 3/27/18; AE 7/26/22
Adopted by President’s Cabinet 1/30/18

The 十大正规网赌平台 Brand

We are stronger when we speak as one.

当我们机构的各个部分将他们独特的优势联系起来 通过一致、协调地使用学院的身份, 我们共同努力,提高我们的卓越声誉,并保护我们的诚信 academic and public engagement missions.



身份标准的目的是确定可接受的大学成绩, 标志和印章,并澄清适当和准确的使用商标形象 在大学信笺、名片、内部出版物、服装和促销品上 项目. 这些标准的目标是确保商标的协调一致的使用 形象,以描绘一个统一的和独特的视觉品牌的东乔治亚州 College (EGSC) in all applications. This guide is designed to maintain and strengthen 十大正规网赌平台的视觉识别计划,进一步促进了学院的 excellent reputation, and creative positive public awareness and support.

Monitoring of Trademark Images

十大正规网赌平台的商标是校董会的财产 佐治亚大学系统和四个(4)徽标在美国注册 States Patent  and  Trademark  Office. The Board of Regents guidelines govern how 商标可以使用,十大正规网赌平台负责监督 and controlling the use of the marks. The 十大正规网赌平台 Office of Institutional 监督并批准校内外个人、部门的标识 以及在印刷出版物和电子媒体上宣传学院的组织, including the World Wide Web.

Prior Approval for Use is Required

所有希望使用EGSC名称、标志的个人、部门和组织 和/
或商标,必须事先获得机构进步办公室的批准. 此外,机构发展和社区关系主任必须 sign all departmental and purchasing card requests involving any of EGSC’s logos, 包括所有印刷材料、出版物和宣传物品 that approval for use is granted.


十大正规网赌平台 is represented by several different trademarks:

    1. The College Name Wordmark (注册): 批准的学院名称文字标志是两行十大正规网赌平台的形象 如下所示. To strengthen the college's identity, the abbreviation "EGSC" should 不得用于出版物、广告、网站或其他媒体,除非使用“东格鲁吉亚”字样 State College" appears in close proximity.

    2. EGSC标志(已注册): Used alone or in combination with the name of the college.

    3. EGSC印章(商标): Reserved for official documents (diplomas, proclamations, etc.,)及刊物 such as President's letterhead, stationery and invitations. 允许使用 seal in any other application must be approved by the 总统办公室.

    4. EGSC运动标志: 十大正规网赌平台的运动标志由几个不同的 为支持山猫队和赛事而保留的标志,包括 the primary mark, the secondary marks, and the word marks. 运动标志应该 不能代替学院的官方标志来宣传学院的学术课程.
        1. Bobcat head only - PRIMARY MARK. (注册)

        2. Bobcat with Banner - PRIMARY MARK. (注册)

        3. Bobcat paw prints (use only with primary athletic mark)
    5. 二级图片: These are images used in conjunction with the college logo. 仅限学术院校 或者具有重要公共服务使命或公共服务的大学单位和项目 能见度可能会寻求批准,以发展个人的第二形象,这必须 also be used in conjunction with the college logo. All requests for authorization 要开发和使用二次图像,必须使用十大正规网赌平台电子提交 公关服务申请,连同一份建议的副图像副本,一并送交教务处处长 Advancement 及社区关系. The request will be reviewed and a decision rendered 5个工作日内. Secondary images do not replace the college logo as the primary 个人识别的方式,必须与学院标志配合使用 on all unit publications, ads and other printed and electronic communication. 所有 学士学位(以下)的四个二级分数将被删除 teach out of the respective programs.
生物学标志 护理的标志


General Rules for Use of EGSC’s Logos and Marks:

    1. 徽标和标记必须完全按照相机或数码相机中提供的内容使用 art with no change in position. The logo should not be cut apart and reassembled, supplemented with other elements, and logotype should not be altered. 文字不能 appear behind, over or through the official logos.
    2. 仅使用相机或由机构进步主任提供的数字艺术 及社区关系. Do not reproduce images from publications.
    3. EGSC的标志不得用于促进或暗示认可非学院活动. 
    4. EGSC的运动标志仅供体育部门及其下属机构使用 实体. These marks may be used by other departments, organizations or individuals 只是为了表示对十大正规网赌平台体育项目的支持 学生活动. 
    5. The registration mark ® is included on registered College trademarks.
    6. Any use must be consistent with or supportive of 学院的使命.


Stationary, Envelopes and Business Cards: 这些规定将教员、职员、单位和项目确定为东方大学的正式代表 佐治亚州立大学. All stationery, business cards, envelopes, memo pads, routing 表格,传真封面,大信封,小册子,邀请函,邮寄和地址 标签和标志是标准化的,以确保十大正规网赌平台的官方 image is always presented in a consistent manner. No “homemade” stationary or business cards may be produced or distributed by photocopying. 在长度或 部门名称或其他因素造成的间隔问题,与主管联系 ,以协助作出调整 官方布局. Secondary images may be incorporated into the official letterhead design with the assistance of the Office of 机构发展. 所有的标志 must be ordered through Facilities.

学生及学生团体 may not use official college stationery or business cards; Alternate designs are 适用于那些被批准需要带有大学或运动标志的物品的人. Authorization must be obtained from the Director of 机构发展 and Community Relations for each use.

Campus Use of Marks for Other 目的s

学院单位和正式的学生组织可以制作和购买带有 the trademarks for internal use. Design approval must be granted by the Director of 生产和/或购买之前的机构发展和社区关系. In most cases, the group will not be required to obtain a 许可协议. 然而, 如果学校标记的物品是转售给一般观众,许可协议 and royalty payment will be required. Items purchased for use by group members only, 购买或生产赠送的物品(只要是从商店购买的) licensed supplier) and 项目 produced as part of a class project do not require a 许可协议.


所有印刷大学和运动标志的标准也适用于它们的使用 在万维网上.


任何十大正规网赌平台(USG)机构的名称、标志或商标 只能用于官方赞助的产品、项目、活动和服务 by the USG or a USG Institution. The name, logo, or trademark of any USG institution 不得由独立经营的企业使用 不包括经批准的合作组织  an  official relationship with the institution or USG.

佐治亚大学系统校董会政策禁止使用任何 与酒精饮料有关的十大正规网赌平台名称、商标或标志; religious services, goods or artifacts; sexually-oriented devices or goods; toilet seats and the like; burial 项目; and unfavorable references to race, sex, national origin, or handicap of any person. Any use must be consistent with or supportive of 学院的使命.


十大正规网赌平台's primary colors are gold and green.

黄金 绿色


CMYK 0/22/87/36
RGB 163/127/20
十六进制# A37F14


CMYK 83/19/73/58
RGB 2/73/48
十六进制# 024930


Official Font for Stationary, Envelopes and Business Cards
